
In Hawaiian mythology, Pili-kaaiea (or Pili-auau) was the 1st Alii Aimoku of Hawaii Island. He was sovereign king or chief,

He was called a 'grandchild' of Lana-ka-wai on the Ulu line, but born and brought up in Kahiki. Because the chiefs of (the island of) Hawaii had carelessly intermarried with junior chiefly lines, Pa'ao went to Kahiki to find a relative of pure blood who could compete in rank with the chiefly lines of the other islands. He recites a chant to invite Lono-kaeho to return with him. Lono-kaeho declines the invitation, but sends Pili in his place. Pili becomes high chief and wins the support of the people and he becomes the ancestor of the chiefs of Hawaii on the Ulu line down to the late 19th century (Beckwith 1970:372-373).
